Namibia: How to Self-Drive?

Dust, Deserts and Pulsing Stars.

The magic of loneliness has never been so charming.


Namibia, the least densely populated country in the world, is a place where nature still reigns supreme.

Glowing red dunes, majestic safari landscapes, and deserts of every color are only a few of the beauties silently hidden in this quiet country of the black continent. Namibia is also home to a vast variety of wild animals: elephants, rhinos, lions, zebras, giraffes, wild boars, springboks, gnus… the list is endless.

If you are looking for an experience in the wild and away from the crowds; and if you’re bold enough to take head on the harsh and sweltering Namibian climate; look no further! Namibia is the place for you!

Hereafter you’ll find the summary of the guide I put together with my sister while traveling for 12 days on a camping-car with a rooftop tent. We believe self-driving to be the most authentic experience you can get for your buck and hope our guide will assist you in planning a trip worth remembering for a lifetime.


“In Europe, you have the clock, in Africa we have time” – Namibian Saying



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